Opened in the 1950s as "Waltzing Matilda" by an Australian merchant seaman by the name of Michael Leslie Thomas Sims, the New Wally Matt Lounge has changed name and locations but still offers drink, food, music and fellowship. In its early years, it was popular with sailors from all over the world and then as an iconic gay bar after Mr. Sims sold it in the 1970s. Today, it's a friendly neighborhood bar that attracts across the spectrum.
New Wally Matt Lounge, Hong Kong
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Added 4 years ago
Added 5 years ago
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Just been recruited to the wally matt family as the new manager, to reinvent and bring back some of that Wally Matt charm, we all used to know and love . Biased opinion for the rating score. look forward to the day I can mark it 5/5 Certainly very friendly to every visitor who walks in the door.