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Why you should go to London !

Straddling the River Thames, London is as much defined by its history as its status as one of the world's most modern, cultural, green and diverse cities.

The first major settlement (then known as Londinium) was founded in 43 AD and remained under Roman rule until the early 5th century when it became known as Lundewic and Anglo-Saxon territory. The rest is history, with London expanding well beyond its original medieval center to what is today Greater London and Europe's most visited destination.

London is not only respected for its top notch leisure, gastronomy and entertainment but also its culture of acceptance as an exceedingly LGBTQ-friendly city, with integration coupled with rising rents being the biggest threat to long-standing gay establishments.

Same sex marriage was legalized in 2014, and a competitive LGBTQ wedding services industry has since emerged, making London a great place for a gay wedding. The city is also popular with the younger LGBTQ set and is touted as the gay capital of the United Kingdom for ages 16 to 24, which means plenty of themed club nights and packed festivals.

So how to navigate this Greater London? Historically Soho has been the gay quarter with a large nightlife collection, but increased commercialisation of the area has meant a growing popularity of alternative and gay-friendly neighborhoods like Vauxhall, Hampstead, Clapham, Shoreditch, Stoke Newington, Bermondsey, Chiswick and Peckham.

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Admission is free to the London museums, so in contrast to Paris and NYC, people don't pay to see world-class collections...

Roller Secret

Rollerskating Wednesday evenings by the lake in Hyde Park, meeting outside the Serpentine Café. Queers meet to skate,...

Round and round you go

London is round. The zones dividing the city, especially important when traveling on the public transport network as...

General impression
Laura Varela has been to and rated London

Added 3 years ago

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Richard Hume has been to and reviewed London

Added 4 years ago

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Sara S. Palmer has been to, wishlisted and rated London

Added 4 years ago

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Nick Vdb has been to and rated London

Added 4 years ago

Michel has been to and reviewed London

Added 4 years ago

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    Earned the City explorer badge!

This is a very neat place, I just prefer to get outside the city limits and enjoy the small towns and backroads. I did not participate in any specific LGBTQ activities so I cannot speak to the friendliness or openness of this area.

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