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Why you should go to Paris !

No other city in France - or the world - matches up to Paris as a global destination, rich in history, culture, culinary delights, shopping, architecture, fashion, sensory pleasures. And few cities are as welcoming to LGBTQ travelers. More than a dozen years ago the city began actively courting gay tourists. "We want to create a gay friendly spirit across the whole city," a spokesman for the project announced on the steps of City Hall. Gays have become a force in the revitalization of the Marais, a historic neighborhood along the Seine, but throughout the city there's the freedom of expression with gays able to display affection in public and check into hotels.

Paris has a number of Gay Pride activities and organizations. The Paris Gay Pride Parade (Marche des Fiertés) attracts hundred of thousands of people each June, slowly winding from the Left Bank to the Place de la République for dancing, DJs and live music with celebrations in bars, restaurants and clubs along the way. It is the largest Gay Pride celebration in the country. France remains among the most open-minded European countries when it comes to LGBTQ rights with same-sex marriages accounting for 14.25% of marriages in Paris as of 2014.

Paris has long been famous on the LGBTQ scene. Oscar Wilde died and was buried here. Colette and Proust wrote novels here. Sylvia Beach opened a bookstore. Alice B. Tolklas baked brownies. Dior, St. Laurent, Gaultier, Balmain designed dresses. It continues to be a gay mecca because no other city offers what it does and because France is at the forefront of recognizing LGBTQ rights. In 1985, France passed a law barring sexual discrimination in jobs and housing, amending it in 2004 to make homophobic slurs illegal. In 2013 it became the 13th country in the world to legalize same-sex marriage with the right to adopt children. When Paris became the first European city to elect an openly gay mayor in 2001, his sexual orientation never came up in the campaign. The openly gay can serve in the armed forces.

Be inspired

View itineraries for a sample day out in Paris

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Emily Post is not dead in Paris where dining is serious business. The French hold the folk in the left hand, the knife in...

Get On Track With Free Apps

The easy-to-read Paris Metro app, including stops on the RER suburban line, makes you master of the underground. The SNCF...

General impression
Dee Fail has been to and rated Paris

Added 2 years ago

Laura Varela has been to and rated Paris

Added 3 years ago

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Lisa Cooper Paris

Added 3 years ago

Richard Hume has been to and reviewed Paris

Added 4 years ago

Food and drink very expensive but great sightseeing

BosGuy has been to and reviewed Paris

Added 4 years ago

It is impossible for me to provide a comprehensive review of a city that has so much to offer and for which entire books have been written.

My suggestions would be as follows:
+ Stay somewhere central (we like the Marais and Bastille).
+ Make a plan on what you might like to visit while there and if tickets are required, purchase them ahead of time if possible.
+ Be sure to block off time to stroll around outside, sit at cafes and share a bottle of wine and explore small shops and neighborhoods. If all you see are museums and famous sites, you've not seen Paris, you've seen Paris' past.

Paris is a vibrant and beautiful city. My favorite time of year to visit is in the fall when the weather is still pleasant but the summer rush of tourists has passed.

Sara S. Palmer has been to, wishlisted and rated Paris

Added 4 years ago

Nick Vdb has been to and rated Paris

Added 4 years ago

Michael has been to and rated Paris

Added 5 years ago

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Scottie has been to and rated Paris

Added 5 years ago

Sarah Gillespie has been to and rated Paris

Added 5 years ago

Letitsyana Vassilatos has been to and reviewed Paris

Added 5 years ago

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The big city of Paris....wasn't the greatest experience especially at the Eiffel Tower....otherwise Euro Disney Great experience and fantastic place to visit

gaypaul has been to and reviewed Paris

Added 5 years ago