Germany, forlornly landlocked and sharing only a smidgen of the Alps, receives more character from its forests than any other geographic landmark. The country's dark, coniferous forests are all over the place. In fact, almost every city has significant wooded regions, where you might lose yourself as easily as Hansel and Gretel. The Schwarzwald (or "Black Forest") is the most legendary, having supposedly inspired the Brothers Grimm, probably the philosopher Martin Heidegger, and definitely several cakes and cuckoo clocks. Slow travel the region by train, visiting the forest's many hamlets (Gegenbach, Furtwangen), its waterfalls (Triberg, Sakenbach, All Saints), and its unusual cave (the Erdmannshöhe).
Schwarzwald, Hausach, Germany
Added 7 years ago
Added 7 years ago