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Why you should go to La Gomera !

La Gomera is a secluded get-away where the British Prime Minister and the German Chancellor have vacationed. It is a speck of an island, the second smallest in the Canary Islands, ringed by soaring volcanic cliffs with a cloud forest at its heart. Yet along the coast are date palms and often deserted black-sand beaches. The microclimates and caressing trade winds make it a year around vacation destination with temperatures averaging 22 °C (72 °F). It covers less than 144 square kilometers (56 square miles), but tortuous roads and frequent fogs can slow the journey. The island is a longtime hippie haven and attracts so many German tourists that it's sometimes called a German colony. A poet once described the island as a woman, mysterious and distant. It's a welcoming LGBTQ destination, especially among lesbians.
One Grape at a Time

Celebrate New Year's Eve like a local by wearing formal attire, and eat one grape at every chime of the clock at midnight...

When to Dine

Unlike Spaniards on the continent, those in La Gomera dine on the early side with kitchens usually closed by 10 pm.

A Whistling Vocabulary

Spanish is the official language, but the local tongue is El Silbo, which is whistled rather than spoken. Farmers...

General impression
Aviel Pérez אביאל פרץ has been to and rated La Gomera

Added 7 years ago

Simon Hyde has been to and rated La Gomera

Added 8 years ago

Vic BE rated La Gomera

Added 8 years ago

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