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Why you should go to Madrid !

Madrid is not only one of Europe's most gay-friendly cities but one of the best for nightlife, culture and dining. Chueca, Madrid's gay neighborhood, is a major destination for the local and international LGBTQ community with a legendary gay scene that includes an abounding selection of restaurants, bars, saunas and clubs.

Although fully welcome and accepted throughout the city, Chueca is where the local LGBTQ community has carved out a vibrant center with hundreds of gay-oriented businesses.

The city's Gay Pride celebration - and biggest party of the year - brings together two million people from all over the world during the first week of July and has grown into a major festival for the city. Not only popular with the LGBTQ crowd, activities center around Chueca with live concerts and parties, including the famous stiletto race at Calle Pelayo.
Get Some Sleep, Don't Miss the Chocolate!

Make sure you try and fit in an afternoon siesta and pace yourself if you are planning a night out on the town. The party...

Madrid Card

If you are in town for the culture, check out the Madrid Card, a city pass that for a discount price gives you access to...

General impression
Laura Varela has been to and rated Madrid

Added 3 years ago

Nick Vdb has been to and rated Madrid

Added 4 years ago

Zahra has been to and rated Madrid

Added 4 years ago

Trixie has been to and reviewed Madrid

Added 5 years ago

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I have an admiration to a woman but the complications is the language. Im not really good in Spanish so its hard for me to express how i like her so much. I said to myself that one of this days im going to study spanish language

Michael Madrid

Added 5 years ago

Anna has been to and rated Madrid

Added 5 years ago

Ivonne González has been to and reviewed Madrid

Added 5 years ago

Es una ciudad que te atrapa, sorprende y enamora. Era la ciudad con menos expectativas en la mente pero me impactó su belleza, su cultura y lo cosmopolita que es.

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Top Madrid reviewers

  • 1
    Alan Ruíz
  • 2
    Gustavo Ariel Casazza
  • 3
    Sergio Méndez