Cala Forn

Cala Forn

  • Mostly hetero
  • Wild beach
  • No infrastructure
  • Water fun
Recommended for: Outdoor & Adventure

Cala Forn is a popular isolated cove of golden sand and vegetation east of Sitges along Route C-31. Access is well marked but difficult on foot. There's bus service and parking nearby.

Cala de Vallcarca

Melia Sitges
4.2 km
Melia Sitges

  • International brand
  • LGBTQ-friendly
Hotel Port Sitges Resort

  • Suite Hotel
  • LGBTQ-friendly
El Vivero Beach Club Restaurant

  • Seafood
  • Mediterranean
Can Laury
4.1 km
Can Laury

  • Seafood
  • Mediterranean
4.3 km

  • Casual
  • Argentine