Mercado Central de Belo Horizonte

Mercado Central de Belo Horizonte


Around since 1929, the Central Market is world class, covering a whole city block downtown and offering a cornucopia of local produce, all kinds of foodstuffs, live animals, housewares, handicrafts, religious articles, spices, beer and cachaça (fermented sugarcane juice). It has plenty of places to sample specialties like liver with jilo (a plant related to the tomato and eggplant) or feijoada (a bean and meat stew). It is such a draw that it has a tourist information office and bilingual tours. Sunday mass is celebrated at 7 am in the Market chapel.

1 person has been there

Av. Augusto de Lima, 744 - Centro, Belo Horizonte - MG, 30190-922, Brazil

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General impression
José Antônio Carvalho has been to and rated Mercado Central de Belo Horizonte

Added 7 years ago

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