Founded in 1554 by jesuit priests, Embu das Artes (Land of the Arts) evolved into an artist haven in the 1920s with the arrival of painter Cássio M'Boy, followed by other artists including Tedakiyo Sakai, one of the greatest Brazilian ceramist-sculptors. The town itself has museums, chapels, churches and the massive Feira de Artes and Artesanato do Embu (Arts & Crafts Market), launched in the 1960s and a major tourism draw. Artsy with a hippie feel, Embu is about a 40-minute drive from Sao Paulo.
By car: 40-min drive from downtown São Paulo, approximately 15 miles along Rodovia Regis Bittencourt ( BR-116) in the direction of Curitiba.
By bus: Metropolitan bus (EMTU)[1] departing Tietê, Anhangabaú and Capão Redondo stations. Although affordable, some take over two hours.
Embu das Artes - State of São Paulo, Brazil
Added 7 years ago
Added 7 years ago
Added 8 years ago
Added 8 years ago
Cultural place to buy handcraft and chill.