Praia do Gonzaga

Praia do Gonzaga

  • Mostly hetero
  • Urban beach
  • Full infrastructure
  • Water fun
  • Walking
Recommended for: Budget & Bargain Family

Clean, organized and easy to reach, Praia do Gonzaga is among the most visited and arguably one of the best beaches in the region. Due to its upscale location, security is particularly good during the day, and there are a number of fine hotels, restaurants, shops and bars, making it ideal for family outings and very popular with a younger crowd.

About 1 hour away from Sao Paolo city by car or 1,5 hour by coach from the Jabaquara terminal.

Praia do Gonzaga

General impression
Rötger Schwarze wishlisted Praia do Gonzaga

Added 7 years ago

Bruno Rojas has been to and rated Praia do Gonzaga

Added 7 years ago