Take a cab to The Drake, and check in at Toronto's hottest party hotel. Jump on the hotel's wifi to check out queerwest.org to see what parties are happening.
Grab some mimosas with brunch at The Drake then take a cab to The Gay Village.
If you're visiting in June, check out Toronto's Pride festivities, featuring everything from the annual Dyke March to the Pride Parade.
Enjoy a drag show at Crews and Tangos, Toronto's finest drag bar nestled in the heart of the Village.
Go club hopping all along Church St. in the Village. Make sure to hit up Black Eagle or Remington's, and if Toronto's all male strip club isn't your scene and it happens to be the third Friday of the month, head downtown to Toronto's biggest queer party, Yes Yes Y'all. Don't forget to stop at The Village Pharmacy for last minute party provisions.
After partying all night, have a bite to eat at the 7 west bistro, open 24hrs/7days a week before heading back to The Drake to catch up on some sleep.