The Sunset Towers Hotel, created by Jeff Klein who renovated the San Vincente Bungalows, has 74 guest rooms on 10 floors, all with floor-to-ceiling windows and panoramic views. Once upon a time it was a luxury art deco apartment tower, occasional home to Howard Hughes, Frank Sinatra, Elizabeth Taylor, Marilyn Monroe and celebrity gangster Bugsy Siegal (think Warren Beauty in the 1991 "Bugsy"). Against all sane advice, Klein - married to producer John Goldwyn - rescued the down-at-the-heels landmark and turned it into what NY Times columnist Maureen Dowd calls "a time capsule of what Hollywood was." It has all the so ever-so-important extras like a pet pillow menu, but it also draws with its Tower Bar, formerly Bugsy's wood-paneled digs and where today's Hollywood royalty hangs out in what Klein calls "a diner for the rich."
Amenities FacilitiesSunset Tower Hotel, Sunset Boulevard, West Hollywood, CA, United States
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