Channel Islands National Park

Channel Islands National Park

  • Eco Tourism
  • Outdoor Adventure
  • Natural Attraction
  • Full day
  • Any time
Recommended for: Outdoor & Adventure

The Channel Islands National Park includes five of the eight Channel Islands off the Southern Californian with visitor centers on the mainland at Ventura and Santa Barbara. The rugged national park itself can be visited by private boat or day or overnight trips arranged through Island Packers in the Ventura Harbor. A three-hour, non-landing cruise along north shore of Anacapa or Santa Cruz Island about an hour off shore will include spotting of sea lions, seals and island birds and close-up views of caves and rock formations including the park's trademark Cabrillo Arch Rock. Day hiking trips and overnight camping trips can also be booked. Recent storms have made several islands inaccessible to visitors.

1 person has been there

Channel Islands National Park, Santa Barbara County, Calif, United States

General impression
Noelle Rappleyea wishlisted Channel Islands National Park

Added 6 years ago

Jale' Duckworth has been to and reviewed Channel Islands National Park

Added 7 years ago

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