The Palace Bar & Grill, with the motto "Every Queen Needs a Palace" has been stage center since 1998 when it became the first gay restaurant/bar on Ocean Drive. Reminiscent of "The Bird Cage," it is known for its cruise bar, drag shows and happy hours. Not far from its original location across from 12th Street Gay Beach, it flies the rainbow flag and is a tourist attraction by day and cruise bar by night. Its rambunctious drag shows often spill out onto Ocean Drive. Open for breakfast, lunch and dinner with a great Sunday "Brunchic." You need to be 18+ to attend the drag shows, Tuesday-Thursday noon to 3 pm, evening shows seven days a week from 7 pm to 11:30 pm. Best to reserve.
Palace Bar, 1052 Ocean Dr, Miami Beach, FL, United States
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Added 4 years ago
Added 6 years ago
Added 7 years ago
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Great place and their wkend drag shows were fantastic .... But alas The Palace is no more It has closed this year
Added 7 years ago
Added 7 years ago
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