A striking red building near Astor Place in the East Village, Webster Hall has been a "hall for hire" since its opening by Polish cigar maker Charles Goldstein in 1886. In its early years, it hosted events for the mostly working-class and immigrant populations of the neighborhood before moving on to more eccentric soirées and masquerade balls for the bohemian set in the 1920s, including the early LGBTQ communities or anyone looking to express themselves outside of mainstream culture. For decades, music greats have played the fine-tuned acoustics of the Grand Ballroom, and weekly club nights draw younger inclusive crowds to any of the six rooms spread across four floors.
*In August 2017, Webster Hall manager Gerard McNamee announced that the club was selling to Barclays/AEG/Bowery Presents, and that it would be closed for demolition, renovation and transition.
Webster Hall, East 11th Street, New York, NY, United States
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Added 4 years ago