The most popular beach in Provincetown is Herring Cove, and it has a little something for everyone. Close to the parking lot is the unofficial family section, and as you keep walking south - towards the left - you'll pass through the lesbian section, gay male section and nude section, in that order. The Travel Channel has named this one of America's Best All-Time Beaches, so it does tend to get pretty crowded, but there's a full infrastructure with a snack bar, large bathrooms, changing rooms, showers and lifeguards.
Herring Cove Beach, Province Lands Road, Provincetown, MA, United States
Added 3 years ago
Added 4 years ago
Herring Cove Beach is probably the most popular beach in Provincetown, but I prefer the "Boy's Beach" which you can get to by walking south along the beach. Hiking though the sand you'll initially see a lot of families and lesbians but as you get more remote you'll start to see more guys and fewer bathing suits. There is a path you can take through the dunes but be sure to time your walk during...
Added 4 years ago
Added 6 years ago
Very fun and very campy.